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Meet Beth

Pilot & Aviation Professional

Beth Powell is a Captain on the B737 and has had her commercial pilot license since the age of 18.


Throughout the years, Beth has witnessed the evolution of the aviation industry and its players. As the flight deck continues to grow, and as more people find their passion for flying, Beth will certainly be instrumental in helping you on your path.

As a member of various organizations in aviation, Beth has a proven track record supporting the future of the industry and ensuring that all have the access to excel.


Her Story.

Jamaican-born, Captain Beth Powell, recalls her mother’s dream for her three daughters to have a better life and education, and her dad’s attitude and positive outlook in life.  


In the parish of St. Mary, Jamaica, where she was raised, Captain Powell broke that mold with the assistance of her parents. Her first step was completing high school at the age of 16, whilst also taking her first solo flight. She obtained her private pilot license at 17 and her commercial license at 18. By 19, she graduated from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Aeronautics and a Minor in Aviation Safety. At 21, she was hired by American Eagle, eventually becoming the second black Female Captain at American Eagle Airlines on both the ATR42/72 and EMB. 


In the year 2014, Beth achieved her goal and joined American Airlines as a First Officer on the B737. This move was a joyous achievement for both Powell and her late mother. Her mother inspired her to attain her goals and to dream big. This encouraged her to give back to others who were told their lives would be ordinary and stick to the status quo. In 2015, Powell started a scholarship to mentor children in aviation in honor of her mother. 


Her message today is “Know what you want, if possible at a young age. You will discover this based on the activities and subjects that you are passionate about. Dream big and dream loud then set your goal. Your passion will propel you through your journey. And in the end”, the saying is true – “you will never feel you worked a day in your life because you are doing what you absolutely love.” 


Powell understands the purpose of hard work and has graciously reaped the rewards. She stands here today an island girl with nothing but a dream and made history when she became American Airlines' First Black Female Pilot Manager and their Third Black Female Captain. She also lead American Airlines' historical all Black Female flight crew on August 8th, 2022.


Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Fort Lauderdale, FL

American Flyers

Pompano Beach, FL

Flight Safety International

Vero Beach, FL

Flight Safety International

Vero Beach, FL

Certifications and Ratings

Bachelor of Science, Professional Aeronautics, Aviation Safety

Flight Instructor Certification; Airline Transport Pilot Rating

Commercial Multi-Engine Land Instrument Airplane

Crew Resource Management

Airline Transport Pilot: Multi-Engine Land
Type Ratings: B737 EMB 135/140/145; ATR 42/72; ATR 72-212A
Certified Flight Instructor: Instrument, Multi-Engine land
FAA Class I Medical Certificate - No Restrictions
Radiotelephone Operator Permit


2019 - Current


Sisters of the Skies (SOS), Board of Advisors

Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP), Board of Advisors

DFW Links

CR Smith Museum

American Airlines United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Masked Ball

Women's History Month Panel

American Airlines Professional Women in Aviation Employee Business Resource Group

American Airlines Caribbean Employee Business Resource Group


Pilot Mentor for American Airlines Cadet Academy

'Exploring Unconscious Bias' Alpha Test

American Airlines Rebrand


Women that Soar

Lincoln High School

Del State Tour

Girls in Aviation Day

Sky Ball

Women in Aviation Conference Presenter


Advisor to American Airlines Black Pilots Association (AABAP)

African American Diversity Network Employee Business Resource Group

Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP)

Palm Beach Film Festival

F4-Future Flyers Foundation

Kappa League of South Florida

Winston Park Elementary School

It's Cool to Fly

2000 - 2016

Pilot Recruitment at various organization and career fairs

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